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Any integer can be divided by any non-zero integer, and the result is a rational number.

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Q: What are the rules for division of integers?
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Related questions

How are the rules for multiplication and division integers the same?

They are not the same!The set of integers is closed under multiplication but not under division.Multiplication is commutative, division is not.Multiplication is associative, division is not.

How are the rules for multiplication and division of integers the same?

They are not the same. You can multiply by zero but division by zero is not defined.

Are the rules for multiplying and dividing signed integers different or the same?

The rules are not the same.Multiplication is commutative whereas division is not.Multiplication is associative whereas division is not.

Why does the quotient and product of two nonzero integers have the same sign?

Those are the rules of multiplication (and division).

Are positive integers closed under division?

No, they are not.

What are the rules for dividing rational numbers are the same as the rules for dividing integers?

The rules are the same.

What are the fundamental operations of integers?

I am not sure there are any fundamental operations of integers. The fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. However, the set of integers is not closed with respect to division: that is, the division of one integer by another does not necessarily result in an integer.

What are the five integer rules?

I am not at all sure that there are any rules that apply to integers in isolation. Any rules that exist are in the context of binary operations like addition or multiplication of integers.

Rules in subtracting like and unlike sign?

to subtrct integers ,rewrite as adding opposites and use the rules for addtion of integers..

Can division be use on negative and positive integers?

Yes, it can!

Why are rational numbers not like integers?

The set of rational numbers is closed under division, the set of integers is not.

What phrase is not another term for division?

A fraction is a division expression where both dividend and divisor are integers.