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A polynomial is several terms added together.

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Q: What are the similarities and differences between a term and a polynomial?
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What are two or more objects or ideas observed by their similarities called?

The term is "contrast" when items are observed or defined by their differences. The word "compare" is used for observed similarities, or more generally for both similarities and differences.

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How can you know that a term is polynomial?

A [single] term cannot be polynomial.

What is the difference between a term and a polynomial?

A term only has variables and constants multiplied among themselves (or, in some cases, divided), such as 5xy, or -3x3. A polynomial is the sum of several such terms.

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The term that describes comparing differences between things is the word contrast.

What is the polynomial of 2 x?

this term 2x is not a polynomial. this term is a monomial. since only one term was listed it can not be a polynomial. A polynomial is like four or more terms. a trinomial is three terms and a binomial is two terms.

A monomial is also a polynomial?

Yes, it can be considered a polynomial with one term.

What are similarities between position to term rules and term to term rules?

Both are used to describe sequences.

What is the opposite of comparison?

The opposite would be contrast.(The term comparison would include both similarities and differences, but the specific term for comparing different characteristics is contrasting.)

What is the degree of a polynomial having more than 1 term but with different variables?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent in the polynomial.

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Scholars use the term sex to refer to biological differences between men and women.