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The largest angle is opposite the largest side.

Using the cosine rule:

9.2² = 7.6² + 5.7² - 2 × 7.6 × 5.7 × cos β

→ cos β = (7.6² + 5.7² - 9.2²) / (2 × 7.6 × 5.7)

→ β = arccos((7.6² + 5.7² - 9.2²) / (2 × 7.6 × 5.7)) ≈ 86.29°

The smallest angle is opposite the shortest side.

The cosine rule can be used again, or using the sine rule:

sin γ / 5.7 = sin 86.29° / 9.2

→ sin γ = sin 86.29° × 5.7 / 9.2

→ γ = arcsin(sin 86.29° × 5.7 / 9.2) ≈ 38.19°

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Q: What are the smallest and largest angles of a triangle with sides 7.6cm 9.2cm and 5.7cm?
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An obtuse triangle has 3 sides.

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In one triangle, the largest side corresponds to the largest angle and vice versa.

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A triangle can be classified according to its sides or the magnitude of its largest angle (two of the angles MUST be acute angles). All three sides equal: equilateral. Such a triangle must be equiangular, but that term is rarely used. Two equal angles, third one different (or two sides equal and third different): isosceles. All three angles different (all three sides different): scalene. Largest angle = 90 degrees: A right angled triangle. Largest angle obtuse: An obtuse angled triangle.

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It depends on whether the ratio refers to the angles of the triangle or the length of the sides.

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Not always because the largest angle of a right angle triangle is between its smallest sides which measures 90 degrees

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A triangle with no equal sides or angles will always be classified as 'scalene'.

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Sides and Angles in a TriangleBy definition, a triangle has three sides. Since the number of sides and angles is equal, it would also have three angles.

All angles are right angles or a triangle has four sides?

False - and false ! Not ALL angles are right-angles - and a triangle has THREE sides !

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A triangle has 3 angles and 3 sides, which is why it is called a TRIangle.

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Yes a triangle consists of three sides and three angles.

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Relationship between the lengths and the measures of angles are related to theorems like the opposite side of the largest angle is the largest side two equal angles oppositee sides are also equal