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False - and false !

Not ALL angles are right-angles - and a triangle has THREE sides !

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Q: All angles are right angles or a triangle has four sides?
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This triangle has no equal sides and 4 right angles?

A triangle cannot have four angles.

Is a parallelogram a type of triangle?

No, it is not a type of triangle as a triangle is defined as a polygon with three sides and three angles and a parallelogram has four sides and four angles.

Does a quadrilateral triangle have exactly 3 congruent angles?

A quadrilateral shape has four sides and four internal angles. A triangle has three sides and three internal angles. Therefore there is no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle.

Is an isosceles triangle a quadrilateral?

No. Triangles have three angles and three sides. A quadrilateral has four angles and four sides.

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

What is triangle with two perpendicular sides?

A right triangle had 2 perp.sides. Perp. lines meet to form right angles. i need the answer in a four letter word. :)

How much should all sides of a triangle equal up to?

There are four types of triangles. For an "equilateral triangle", all sides and angles have to be the same. For an "isosceles triangle", 2 of 3 sides and angles have to be the same. For a "scalene triangle", the "the same" rules don't apply. For a "right-angled triangle", one corner has to be a right angle (90 degrees.) For example in an equilateral triangle, as long as the sides are the same, they can add up to anything. However, angles are different. In any given triangle, the angles must add up to 180 degrees.

What is A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides but no right angles what is it?

Rhombus This is called a rhombus. it can have right angles but doesn't have to. all it has to have is four equal sides. So, a square is under this category. Here is the definition of a rhombus: RHOMBUS: a quadrilateral with four equal sides

All rectangles have four right what?

Rectangles have four sides and four angles.

A parallelogram with no right angles an four congruent sides?

A parallelogram with no right angles and four congruent sides is a Rhombus.

What is a four sided figure with four equal sides and no right angles?

A four sided figure with four equal sides and no right angles is a diamond, or a rhombus. If it had four right angles, it would be a square.

Can a triangle ever have four sides?

The answer is no Tri- means three. Properties of a triangle are: 3 sides and 3 angles.