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Q: What are the statistics for heat strokes and student athletes?
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Do turkeys have heat strokes?


How does the climate in Houston effect people?

They have heat strokes

What form of massage is the best?

The best massage techniques are those used in Swedish Massage. They include long gliding strokes, kneading strokes, percussion, rapid heat producing strokes and vibrating strokes.

What problems can cause in summer?

Sunburns, Heat strokes, Dehydration

What should you always do when treating a casualty for heat exhaustion or heat strokes?

remove casualty from the hot environment

What are heat strokes?

Confusion, Shallow breathing, Sudden muscle contractions Apex..

The drug that causes heat stroke?

A lot of drugs can contribute to heat stroke by altering the body's ability to adapt. The drug most strongly associated with heat strokes is ecstasy.

What are some hazards of the Dominican Republic?

If you are prone to heat strokes, do NOT go to the Dominican Republic. It's hot all year.

What should room tempeteraurebe for a hamster?

65 to 75 degrees. they get heat strokes and stuff so be careful! best of luck from A.L.B :+)

What kills more people each year than heat strokes?

Breast cancer kills more womenthan heart disease.

How does Teheran's climate affect the people?

cause when it is cold some people cant afford housing and when it is hot some people have heat strokes

What does it mean when the exhaust is glowing on a kx450f?

All header pipes that comes out of the engine on four strokes will glow in low light from the heat. Its normal