The two main divisions are rational numbers and irrational numbers.
rational numbers and irrational numbers
They are not real Islam divisions. They are just different schools. Mainly they are Sunnis and Shiites. Refer to question below.
Between two different real numbers, there is an infinite amount of other real numbers. You can easily get one of them by taking the midpoint - i.e., calculate the average of the two numbers (add them, and divide the result by 2).
There ARE no real divisions
Yes. There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two real numbers.
There are not just three real numbers but an infinity of them Not only that , between any two of them there is an infinity of real numbers. And between any two of them ...
Whenever you multiply two negative real numbers.
There are two real numbers and infinitely many complex numbers.
The two main DISJOINT subsets of the Real numbers are the rational numbers and the irrational numbers.
Real Numbers are said to be closed under addition because when you add two Real Numbers together the result will always be a Real Number.
It is the fact that real numbers are infinitely dense.
2 and 3.