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the are the letters y and X stands for the trypical alum. graph used in the state conn.

its an L shape with y at top and x at the bottom

hope it help for more info go to www.gridxYstanza,com

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Q: What are the two geographic set lines of a grid?
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What two set of lines do the geographic grid consists on?

latitude and longitude ramon C.

What is the geographic grid consists of two sets of lines?

latitude and longitude

The geographic grid consists of two sets of lines?

latitude and longitude

What is a set of crisscross lines on a map called?

There are really two answers to this: If you mean the vertical and horizontal lines, then yes, these are longitude and latitude. If however you mean the lines (particularly on older maps) that seem to run in diagonals almost like a compass...these are known as Rhumb lines and were used to help navigate between major cities or ports.

Is a grid formed by the intersection of two number lines?


What does grid location?

A grid reference system, also known as grid reference or grid system, is a geographic coordinate system that defines locations in maps using Cartesian coordinates based on a particular map projection. Grid lines on maps illustrate the underlying coordinate system.

What is formed on a grid by the intersection of two number lines?

A coordinate plane.

What are each of two lines that intersect to from a coordinate grid are?

The coordinate axes.

What is a coordinated grid?

A coordinate grid is a grid that you plot points on. A coordinate grid is a 2-dimensional: system in which a location is described by its distance from two perpendicular lines called axes.

Geographic grids consist of what two lines?

Latitude and longitude

How do you use topographic map to find the location and elevation?

A typical topographical map is printed on a grid that enable a position to be found, or given, by using a grid reference. Elevation is shown by using contour lines. Contour lines show areas of the same height, and the lines may be set at 50 metres between them. Therefore, two contour lines have a height of 50 metres between them.

What are grid references?

Grid references are used to pinpoint specific locations on a map. They consist of two sets of numbers or letters that provide a unique identifier for a position within a grid system, typically used in cartography. The horizontal line is the easting and the vertical line is the northing.