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Q: What are the two oviducts also called?
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What are the two tubes to the uterus?

fallopian tubes or oviducts.

What are the two tube connected to uterus?

fallopian tubes or oviducts.

HOW Cilia in the oviducts push eggs towards the womb why are they needed?

Because the baby would not develop properly in the oviducts as it is covered in a jelly substance. Also the womb is warm . thankyouu

How are oviducts blocked?

too much sperm

What is the other name for oviducts?

Eustachian tubes

What is cpt 58671?

Laparoscopy with fulguration of obstructed oviducts

Where Fertilization takes place in the?

In the Fallopian tubes (Oviducts)

Where fertilization takes place in the female?

In the Fallopian tubes (Oviducts)

How can you tell the oviducts and the ureters apart?

The oviducts, or fallopian tubes of the female fetal pig, are extremely narrow and located dorsal to the anterior portion of the ovary. The ureters of the male fetal pig are located near the urinary bladder.

What are the long tubes that runs around the kidneys and carries eggs in a female frog?


What oviducts carry egg Cells toward the Uterus and sperm Cells?

The Fallopian tubes.

What is the medical term meaning Cutting and sealing the oviducts to prevent pregnancy?

bilateral tubal ligation