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All numbers that only have one and itself as factors are prime. So to tell if a number is prime simply find it's factors. If it has more than two factors than it is not a Prime number.

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Q: What are those number belong to the prime number?
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One reason the number 89 does not belong is because it is a prime number and the other numbers are not.

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No. One, a counting number, doesn't belong to either of those sets.

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Tough to tell when you lump them together like that. If those are three-digit numbers, 347 is the only one that's prime.

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No. Those two non-prime numbers will be factors, so it could not be prime.

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There need not be any prime number between them.

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One possible answer13 is the only prime number in this group Incorrect 2 is a prime number also* * * * *How about 15 as the only number having different prime factors? I admit that is tenuous, but I cannot do better.

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16 because all the rest are prime numbers. But there are other criteria for oddity: eg 2 is the only even prime. 7 is the only Mersenne prime 13 is the only Wison prime 23 is the only number that is the sum of two other numbers in the set. So, any one of the 5 numbers does not belong - depending on the criterion.

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Whichever one you want: 20: It is the only number with a repeated prime factor. 14: It is the only number with two non-adjacent prime factors. 6: It is the only number with two adjacent prime factors. 19: It is the only prime number. So now you need to second-guess the person who asked the question!