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Q: What are two lines that are perpendicular to the same line?
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In a plane if two lines are perpendicular to the same line then they are parallel to each other?

Yes they are. It's a postulate: In a plane two lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel.

Two lines perpendicular to the same line are perpendicular to each other true or false?

TRUE:: The first two lines lie in the same plain, but are perpendicular to each other. The third line passes through the plane of the first two lines so it is also perpendicular. Think 3-dimension. !!!!!

If two parallel lines are perpendicular to the same line do the lines intersect?

the parallel lines never intersect each other but they both intersect the line they are perpendicular to

If two lines are perpendicular to the same line then the two lines are parallel?

They are parallel to each other.

Line n is perpendicular to line m. Line l is perpendicular to line m. Is it possible for line n and line l to be skew?

No. It's impossible. There's a corollary that states: If two lines are perpendicular to the same line, then the two lines are parallel.

If Two lines perpendicular to the same line are perpendicular to each other?

No. Two lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel to each other. I am doing this for my geometry homework right now trying to recall the name of the postulate/theorem stating it.

What is the relation between two lines perpendicular to the same line?

They're parallel.

When is a line perpendicular to a plane?

A line is perpendicular to a plane when it is perpendicular on two lines from the plane

Is two lines connected by their perpendicular is parallel?

Parallel lines run in the same direction. If they are intersected by one line and that line is perpendicular to both, then it proves that the lines run parallel to each other.

If two parallel lines are perpendicular to the same line what must be true for all three lines?

l dnot relly know but it is a

What are the lines called that are perpendicular to a parallel line?

'two perpendicular number lines are called'Special:Search

How are parallel lines perpendicular to the same line?

If you have two parallel lines, then they have the same slope. If you have another line, in the same plane as the first two lines, and it is not parallel to them, then the angle of intersection with the first line will be the same as the angle of intersection with the second line. If this angle is 90°, then the third line is perpendicular to the first line and also to the second line. For an example, think of a rectangle. Two opposite sides are parallel. Now pick one of the 3rd or 4th sides. Each of these sides is perpendicular to both the first side and the second side.