

What are two numbers that have 257 as factors?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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257 is a factor of 2570 and 514.

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Q: What are two numbers that have 257 as factors?
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What are the factors and prime factors of 257?

257 is a prime number; its only factors are 1 and itself. The two factors of 257 are 1 and 257. There are only two factors of a prime number.The only factor pair of 257 is 1 x 257. There is only one factor pair of a prime number.The proper factors of 257 are only 1 or,if the definition you are using excludes 1, there are none.The only prime factor of 257 is 257. There is only one prime factor of a prime number - itself.The distinct prime factor of 257 is also 257, since there is no repetition of factors.The prime factorization of 257 is 257. In some cases, to emphasize that it is prime, you might write the prime factorization as 1 x 257.NOTE: There cannot be common factors, a greatest common factor, or a least common multiple because "common" refers to factors or multiples that two or more numbers have in common.

What is the main number of factors 257?

257 has only two factors: 1 and itself.

What two consecutive numbers add to 257?

The consecutive numbers that have a sum of 257 are 128 and 129.

Is 257 a prime number and why?

257 is prime because it only has two factors.

What is 257 composite or prime?

257 is a prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one

What two numbers add to 257?

128.5 if you're talking about consecutive numbers.

What two consecutive numbers add up to 257?

257/2 = 128.5 so 128 and 129

What two numbers equal 514?

257 x 2

What are the factors of 257?

only 1, & 257 <:)

What numbers can be multiplied to equal 2056?

As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*2*257 = 2056

What is the LCM of 257?

You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.

What are all the factors of 257?

257 is a prime number; its only factors are 1 and itself.