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Q: What area is located in the mid brain contains reflex center for vision and hearing?
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What contains reflex centers for vision and hearing?

Corpora quadrigeminaCorpora quadrigemina

What is located in the midbrain that contains reflex centers for vision and audition?


Located in midbrain and contains reflex centers for vision and audition?

located in the midbrain; contains flex centers for vision and audition - Corpora quadrigemina.

Is the micturition reflex center is located in the pons?

It is localted in the Sacral plexus

The micturition reflex center is located in the?

sacral segments of the spinal cord

Which part of the midbrain is responsible for hearing and visual reflexes?

Cerebrum That is a pretty broad area, true that the occipital lobe of the cerebrum is our vision center and the temporarl lobe houses our auditory center, neither of these necessarily controls our reflexes of these senses. I believe the answer that they were looking for is the corpora quadrigemina, part of the midbrain that contains the superior colliculi and the inferioror colliculi, which help us react to/analyze visual and auditory sensations that we encounter

What is a reflex center and what does it do?

medulla oblongata

Where are sensory stretch receptors of the withdrawal reflex located?

they are located in the limbs, because the limbs are the effectors of the withdrawal reflex.

What part of the brain coordinates visual and auditory reflexes?

They are both located in the corpora quadrigemina.

What is the primary reflex center for the body?

Nervous system

What Acts as a reflex center of the body?

the spinal cord

Where are the muscle spindles of the patellar reflex located?

they are located in knees.