Those that have a negative number under the square root. It then has no x-intercept.
basic functions of a network operating system?
medulla oblangata
One of the basic functions of a computer are to input data and then process it. A computer also outputs data and stores data.
Two basic functions used in Encryption Algorithms are * Substitution * Transposition
A basic Panasonic remote has functions such as the ability to stop, play, rewind and fast forward. You can purchase basic Panasonic remotes online from the Amazon website.
Classes Structures Subroutines Functions
basic function are known as basis functions. there are four: create change delete shutdown
The basic function of housekeeping is to cleaning and maintenance. Other functions include keeping track of inventory and supplies, training and paperwork.
The basic primitive functions are constant function, power function, exponential function, logarithmic function, trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent, etc.), and inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, etc.).
The basic functions of trigonometry are: sine cosine tangent secant cosecant cotangent
They are basic functions on which other functions depend. for ex. x^2 is a parent function for 2x^2.