Imposing standard costs without communicating in an honest, candid manner will undermine much of the perceived value of such costing.
To do the mining costing, the value of the minerals and the cost of mining it and the cost of compensating the inhabitants is usually considered.
Peroxide is used to determine the acid value of vegetable oil using primary standard. Oils with high degree of unsaturation are most susceptible to autoxidation.
In Target costing system, comapnies tries to achieve target prices by reducing those parts of activity which are not increasing the value of product. Life cycle costing is a concept in which companies tries to read the overall process of development of product life cycle and tries to minimise the cost at area where it is not required or not increase the value of product.
ABM strategically incorporates activity analysis, activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based budgeting, life cycle and target costing, process value analysis, and value-chain analysis.
Convert 7.9 million into standard value
It is 94 = 6561
Advantages of Activity Based Costing System:Activity based costing system has the following main advantages / benefits: More accurate costing of products/services, customers, SKUs, distribution channels.Better understanding overhead.Easier to understand for everyone.Unit cost rather than just total cost.Enables costing of processes, supply chains, and value streams
someone told me the name of an employer. How can i find out if they actually work there?
Greetings. Your questions does not tell about the existing costing system but I assume that you are using the 'traditional' way of costing as standard costing. The major deficiency is that when we talk about costing, we are always assuming that is 'Product Costing'. By doing this we take all the costs to the product. This is not necessarily true. There are various reasons that cause costs in your organization. These could be Products, Customers, Channels, Capacity built, to sustain business (typically called as 'cost object' in ABC) etc. Another major difference is that ABC first calculates the cost of various activities and then it takes to the cost objects. This helps in understanding the root causes for the costs and can help in improving the costs. It gives insight into the performance of the processes in the organization as to how much of the process is really 'value adding' to the organization. The 'non value adding' part of the processes can be eliminated or reduced. Typically the functional managers are informed about the actual expenses v/s budgeted expenses. With this information the managers can be either happy or sad. They cannot be smarter. ABC can tell the functional managers how they have utilised their resources. I hope I have provided some information to you. You can visit my blog on the subject at or write to me at Rajendra Patil
standard of valueThe function of money as a measure of value.
Stock Bond costing 500 and 1000 BDT