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Q: What causes specific lines to appear in a line spectra?
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How would the spectra from galaxies appear?

They have broad emission lines of highly ionized elements.

Do lines of a particular element appear at the same wavelength in both emission and absorption line spectra?


What causes spectra lines?

Absorption of energy at atom energy levels cause the line spectrum.

What causes specific lines to appear in a line spectrum?

There are a couple of things that cause specific lines to appear in a line spectrum. Two of these things are density and wavelength.

Can both Rutherford and Bohrs model of the atom explain spectra lines of elements?

Bohr model explain these spectra.

Why do stellar spectra have absorption lines?

Need a different, better answer.

what automatic feature causes red and green lines to appear under words as you type?

AutoCorrect feature.

How do scientists use different spectra to figure out the composition of the stars outer layer?

Different chemical elements emit (or absorb) certain specific frequencies of light. When the light from a star is split in to it's rainbow spectrum of light, certain parts of the spectrum will be black (in absorption spectra) or brighter (in emission spectra). By comparing these lines to the known emission and absorption spectra of elements, the composition of a stars atmosphere can be determined.

What do you call a light spectrum that is not continuous?

Discontinuous Spectra, Fraunhofer lines

What are the similarities between emission and absorption spectra?

The lines are at the same frequencies

How do Spectra from neutral atoms compared with spectra from ionized atoms of the same element?

have different sets of spectral lines. :) u got to love astronomy

Will everyone see all the lines in all the emission spectra of these elements?

Many catalogues of emission spectroscopy lines are published. These lines are not visible on all types of instruments.