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Well, in the formula mx+b, m is the slope. So in y=2x-3, the slope is 2, otherwise meaning that every time x changes by one y changes by 2.

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Q: What characteristics of the slope makes a line steep or flat?
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What is the slope of horizontal line?

The slope of a horizontal line is zero. That's because the slope measures how steep the line is, and a flat line is not steep at all and therefore has no slope.

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Does material travel faster when the river is flowing down a steep slope or across flat land?

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Which of the following are the correct properties of slope?

A.Lines that are equally steep should have the same slope.B.The slope of a steep line should be bigger than the slope of a flat line.D.Lines that go up from left to right should have a positive slope.E.Lines that go down from left to right should have a negative slope.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.The slope of a flat line should be close to 0.C.The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.E.A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right

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It is a plateau

A large flat area that rises above the surrounding land and one side has a steep slope?

A mesa (:

What is the properties of slope?

1. The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.2. The slope of a flat line should be close to 0. 3. A negative slope means that the line mover down from left to right.

What are characteristics of farming?

Flat, narrow fields stepping up the slope, horizontal tillage [ 90 degrees to the slope of the hillside ].

When a river goes from a steep slope to a flat area does the sediment get smaller?

Yes. The big stuff requires more energy to move.

How do you contour lines show a steep slope?

How close together the brown contour lines are Yes, the closer the contours the steeper the slope. Flat land, by definition, has no contour lines.

What is flat slope?

Flat slope is slope equals zero.