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Our design guidelines call for a maximum driveway slope of 10% for standard residential driveways, but an applicant is seeking something along the lines of 20%... One concern about a steep driveway is the vehicle bottoming out and scraping the ground where the grade changes from angled to flat.

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Q: What is the maximum slope of a basement driveway?
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Your homeowner's policy covers unexpected losses like back up of city sewer water into a basement or loss due to burglary. So, unless your driveway is cracking and crumbling because of some unforeseen cause, your homeowner's policy will not cover it. If your driveway was just recently repaired or installed, you might want to check your warranty.

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What is the maximum slope for a car ramp?

it depends...a ramp with transitions at top and bottom can be steeper than one without, because severe change in slope can cause the vehicle to bottom out.