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I am a bit rusty so I will do this the long way. Get frequency first(Hz).

Hz = (3.29 X 10^15 Hz) * Z^2 * (1/n final^2 - 1/n initial^2)

( Z =1 for hydrogen, so no problems there )

Hz = (3.29 X 10^15 Hz) * (1/2^2 - 1/6^2)

Hz = 7.31 X 10^14 Hertz

Wavelength = speed of light/Hertz

2.998 X 10^8 m/s/7.31 X 10^14 Hz

= 4.10 X 10^-7 meters

that is 410 nanometers

The color would be violet

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Q: What color would you see when an electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from n equals 6 to n equals 2?
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Depends on the isotope can be 0 or 1 hydrogen is a highly unstable element that the electron Jumps betweent the two energy levels

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Bohr did not discover protons, neutrons, or electrons. Bohr used the energy changes in line emission spectra to develop a model that accounted for discrete energy changes. He used the signature spectra of hydrogen to design a model of a Hydrogen atom that showed the possible jumps that an electron could make after absorbing and then releasing energy. Some of the jumps create the visible bands we see by breaking down the light of glowing Hydrogen, while other jumps, non-visible, would still be created in the Electromagnetic Spectrum according to the energy changes of an electron jumping from outer electron rings to inner electron rings.

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The atomic spectra of an element is basically the lines of color that appear when an electron jumps down or up an energy level. Depending on the shells that an electron jumps is the intensity or the color omitted. The colors that we see (yellow, orange, red, green, blue, purple) mean different level jumps with purple being the highest and yellow being the lowest. The higher the energy level the lower the wavelength omitted and the lower the energy jump the higher the wavelength.

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Hydrogen atom = 1 proton 1 electron Hydrogen's 1 electron occupies the lowest energy level, 1s orbital. The atom is therefore in its "ground state". When a photon of correct frequency "collides" with a electron in hydrogen's 1s orbital the energy contained in the photon is transferred to the electron. The electron then gets added energy, so it is at a higher energy state. When it reaches this higher energy state the electron jumps to the next energy level and there it starts its new orbit. Hydrogen atom is now "excited" For any other atoms it is the same thing because all atoms can undergo excitation. The only difference between hydrogen's 1 electron and other atom's many electrons is WHICH ELECTRON will be "excited"

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It jumps from one electron to the other.

When an electron jumps to a higher level is the atom is in ground state?


Is an electron radiation?

Electrons are negative energy. When an electron jumps orbitals, it can either absorb or radiate energy in the form of photons.

An electron jumps to a new energy level when?

the atom gains or loses energy

Why electron jumps from ground state to exicted state?

Because they absorb energy.

What is L E D?

They are specialized diodes. When an electron jumps the "forbidden zone" , a photon is emitted.

What happened to the energyof an electron as it goes farther from the nucleus?

if an electron gains enough energy it jumps to a higher energy level. when this happens the atom is in an "excited" state.