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The gas constant (R) makes both sides of the ideal gas equation (PV=nRT) equal. It is therefore called the proportionality constant in the ideal gas equation. The value of R is 8.314 J/mol˚K. If you divide the ideal gas constant by Avogadro's number you get R/NA=(8.314 J mol-1 K-1)/(6.022x1023 #of atoms mol-1)=1.38x10-23 J/(atoms x K) since the mol-1 terms cancel out. This value is the Boltzman constant (kb) usually expressed in units of J/K (energy/temperature) and it gives the average energy of a single atom or molecule at an absolute temperature T. Just multiply kb by T and you get energy in Joules.

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Q: What constant is equal to the ratio ofthe gas constant to the avogadro constant?
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