A decimal which is equivalent to 2.5 and has three decimals is 2.500.
It is simply 2.5 equals 2.500
Rounded to three decimal places, this is equal to 1.397.
Rounded to three decimal places, this is approximately equal to 6.966.
We can't round 61.65 into 3 decimal places. But 61.65 is equal to 61.650 in three decimal places.
No, 9.760 and 9.76 are not equal. The number 9.760 has three decimal places, while 9.76 has only two decimal places. In the decimal system, the placement of the decimal point determines the value of the number, so these two numbers represent different values.
The three decimal places of that number are 978.
Rounded to three decimal places, 15.61784 is approximately equal to 15.618.
The number 0.891 is already rounded to three decimal places.