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Aristotle invented/descovered that the earth was not flat :p

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Q: What did Aristotle invent and when?
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What year did Aristotle invent the telescope?

Aristotle did not invent the telescope; he lived roughly 2000 years before the telescope was invented.

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What influence did Aristotle have on space exploration?

He helped invent a telescope ;)

Did Aristotle invent anything?

By Harun Mo. Aristotle (I have heard) created foundations to biology.that was not altered for two milliennia

What year did Aristotle create the first scientific method?

Aristotle is remembered as a natural philosopher rather than as a scientist, and he did not invent the scientific method.

What did Aristotle invent?

He invented the syllogism and also contributed to the sorting of living things. From there comes so called binominal nomenclature.

What game did Aristotle invent?

My info on him states he was a teacher, scientist, started the first school, and wrote books, but doesn't show he invented a game.

Who were some greatests scientist and what did they invent?

Aristotle is believe to be the greatest scientist ... but it depend who do you ask. He contribution the development of the science he spent most of his life researching the natural science. He really did not invent any thing just only improve .... so yeah .....

Is there anything named after Aristotle?

There are quite a few places named after Aristotle including the Aristotle (municipality), in Chalkidiki, Greece, Aristotle Lane Oxford England, Aristotle Mountains Antarctica, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece, and Platia Aristotle (Aristotle Square), Thessaloniki Greece.

Who was Alexander the Great taught by?

he was taught by aristotle

How long did proxenus raise Aristotle?

Proxenus raised Aristotle from when Aristotle was 10, up til Aristotle was 17.

Is there any places named after Aristotle?

Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. There is an Aristotle's crater on the moon, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Aristotle Square in Thessaloniki, Greece. In Oxford, England there is an Aristotle Lane, and in Chalkidiki, Greece there is a municipality named Aristotelis.