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Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) was a famous mathmetician and is credited with several inventions. Google "Blaise Pascal Inventions" and you will find your answer!

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Related questions

What was Blaise Pascal's religion?

Blaise Pascal was a Catholic; specifically a convert to Jansenism (in 1646 as far as I know). Jansenism was a sect, like the Jesuits are a sect, of Catholicism.

How did Blaise Pascal discover pressure?

i don't know i want the ans from you

What do the letters PASCAL stands for?

Nothing. The programming language Pascal was named for the 17th century mathematician Blaise Pascal. If you are referring to the database, I don't know.

How old was pascal when he died?

Blaise Pascal lived from 1623 to 1662. From that we know he was about 39 when he died. Don't know the months he was born and died, so that is our best guess.

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Blaise Pascal Accomplishments - His RevelationIt was at this moment that Pascal knew it wasn't enough to know about God or debate his existence with the finest thinkers in the world. Rather, it was essential to meet God personally.

What year was Pascal born?

Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician, was born in Clermont-Ferrand, France on June 19, 1623. Some of his most well-know ideas are Pascal's triangle, Pascal's law, and Pascal's theorem.

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they invented nothing that you need to know

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blaise pascal (1623-1662) and a few other people after.. alphonse de lamartine, madame de staël etc.

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Because he wanted to call his girlfriend for dating.and he wanted everyone to know this to make their love tight

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Pascal, the famous French philosopher and mathematician is often given the credit for this invention. I do not know the details or if there are competing claims from other inventors.

What was blaise pascals view on politics?

i have know idea

What was blasie pascal well known for?

Blaise Pascal is most commonly know today for Pascal's Pressure Law: "pressure exerted anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is transmitted equally in all directions throughout the fluid such that the pressure ratio (initial difference) remains same."In his time (the mid 1600's) Pascal was more known for his work in mathematics and philosophy.add. Pascal's triangle is one of his contributions, and he, together with Fermat, produced some of the foundations of probability theory.And I think that once, being asked "how to become a good mathematician" replied "Find an insoluble problem and try to solve it."