

What digit can not be in the ones place of multiples of 8?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What digit can not be in the ones place of multiples of 8?
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The 0, in the tens' place has a value of 0. The digit 1 is in the thousandths' place - a much smaller place value but, its value is 1 times a thousandth, which is bigger than 0.

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The places are always the same no matter what the digits are. The value is obtained by multiplying the place times the digit. Starting from the right, the places in an 8-digit number are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and ten millions.

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No. To test if a number is divisible by 8: * first all multiples of 8 are even, so the number must be even; * then: add 4 times the hundreds digit to twice the tens digit to the ones digit - if this sum is divisible by 8, then so is the original number. As the test can be applied to the sum, repeating this summing until a single digit remains, only if this single digit is 8 is the original number divisible by 8. For 100: 4x1 + 2x0 + 0 = 4 which is not 8, so 100 is not divisible by 8.