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It depends how many sides it has. A 4 sided polygon is 360 3 sided is 180 6 sided is 720 8 sided is 1080 . It doesn't matter if the sides are equal or all different, as long as the lines don't cross over each other

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Q: What do angels in a polygon add up to when the sides are not equal?
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How many sides does a polygon have if the interior angles equal 180 degrees?

If all of the interior angles of the polygon add up to 180 degrees, then the polygon is a triangle.

How do you find perimeter of a polygon?

add the sides of the polygon.

What polygon has all sides congruent but not angles?

It is a rhombus that has 4 equal sides with 2 equal acute and 2 equal obtuse interior angles that add up to 360 degrees.

What are the properties of regular polygon?

Interior angles are equal and sides are equal in length and exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

A polygon having three sides angles equal 180 degrees?

A three-sided polygon is a triangle. The angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

What do external angels of a polygon add up to?

360 DEG

What does it mean to have a regular polygon?

A shape where all sides are equal lengths, and all angles are equal. Also all external angles add up to 360o.

How do you fin the angle sum of any polygon?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees. The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360.

How do you find the perimeter of a polygon that has nine sides?

With the information given in the question, you may not assume that the sides are equal. So you will need to measure each side and add the results together.

How many sides of the polygon if the sum of the interior angle is 9180 degrees?

53 sides Interior angels always add up to (number of sides -2)*180 so reverse the process: 9180/180=number of sides -2. 51=sides -2. Sides = 53

How many sides does a polygon have if the interior angles add up to 6300?

37 sides.

How do you find the perimenter of a polygon?

add up all the sides