Inertial Navigation System
I'm Not Sure
Input String
Institutul National de Statistica (Romania)
Immigration & Naturalization Service (reorganized in 2003 under DHS, functions divided among USCIS, ICE and CBP)
International Network Services (company)
Instituto Nacional de Seguros (Costa Rica's insurance institution)
Institut National de la Statistique (French)
International News Service
Insert Code
International Neuropsychological Society
Integrated Network Solutions
I'm Not Stupid
Star Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek movie)
Infusion Nurses Society
In Nomine Satanis (roleplaying game)
Information Network System
Itchy and Scratchy (The Simpsons)
International Numbering System
independent news service
Indian Naval Ship
Intravenous Nurses Society
Iowa Network Services, Inc.
Indian Newspaper Society (New Delhi, India)
Iron Soldering
Integrated Netfinity Server
Internal Navigation System (US Navy DoD)
Interstate Nuclear Services
Intranasal Steroids
Intelligent Notification Services (IBM)
Integrated Network System
Institute of Nuclear Studies (Japan)
Informatics Nurse Specialist (American Nurses Association)
internet Configuration Settings (file name extension)
Indirect Sourcing (Nokia)
Intelligent Network Systems
Independent NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association) Services, Inc.
Inelastic Neutron Scattering/Spectrometer
Institute of Naval Studies
Integrated Nitrogen System
Institute of National Strategy
IMF Institute Department (International Monetary Fund)
Information Nurse Specialist
Improved NADGE Station
Indigenous Names Survey (Canada)
International Network Solutions, Inc.
Initial Navy Stock
Inertial Navigation System
I'm Not Sure
Input String
Institutul National de Statistica (Romania)
Immigration & Naturalization Service (reorganized in 2003 under DHS, functions divided among USCIS, ICE and CBP)
International Network Services (company)
Instituto Nacional de Seguros (Costa Rica's insurance institution)
Institut National de la Statistique (French)
International News Service
Insert Code
International Neuropsychological Society
Integrated Network Solutions
I'm Not Stupid
Star Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek movie)
Infusion Nurses Society
In Nomine Satanis (roleplaying game)
Information Network System
Itchy and Scratchy (The Simpsons)
International Numbering System
independent news service
Indian Naval Ship
Intravenous Nurses Society
Iowa Network Services, Inc.
Indian Newspaper Society (New Delhi, India)
Iron Soldering
Integrated Netfinity Server
Internal Navigation System (US Navy DoD)
Interstate Nuclear Services
Intranasal Steroids
Intelligent Notification Services (IBM)
Integrated Network System
Institute of Nuclear Studies (Japan)
Informatics Nurse Specialist (American Nurses Association)
Internet Configuration Settings (file name extension)
Indirect Sourcing (Nokia)
Intelligent Network Systems
Independent NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association) Services, Inc.
Inelastic Neutron Scattering/Spectrometer
Institute of Naval Studies
Integrated Nitrogen System
Institute of National Strategy
IMF Institute Department (International Monetary Fund)
Information Nurse Specialist
Improved NADGE Station
Indigenous Names Survey (Canada)
International Network Solutions, Inc.
Initial Navy Stock
Immigration and Naturalization Service.
ISO = International Standards Organization
ISO = International Standards Organization
There are several programs that will open ins files. One such is Acer Connection manager and another is Materials Studio. INS stands for Internet Naming Service files.
In the government, the abreviation INS stands for Immigration and Naturalization Service. However, the agency has been dissolved and its immigration resoponsibilities have been split among other governmental agencies.
"INS" on a social security check typically stands for "Insurance." It indicates that a portion of the check amount is allocated towards paying for insurance coverage, such as Medicare premiums.
The term mab has no general classification for crystal structure - neither does ins. Refer to previous parts of the text under your study for specific clues. If the reference to InS means Indium Sulphide then reference to MaB might mean Magnesium Boride, however this compound is strictly Magnesium DiBoride which has the chemical formula MgB2.
INS can be an abbreviation for a number of things. Some of the more common ones are:Immigration and Naturalization ServiceIndian Naval Ship (eg. ships like INS Viraat)International News ServiceCheck the related link for a complete list.
"Eclipse is a computer software platform that software programmers can use to load plug-ins into programming software like Java. IDE stands for ""integrated development environment"" and refers to the ability of Eclipse to integrate plug-ins into Java and to get these plug-ins to interact with one another in order to extend and enhance their functions."
To convert centimeters to inches, we use the conversion factor 1 cm = 0.393701 inches. Therefore, 5 cm is equal to 5 x 0.393701 = 1.968505 inches, and 7 cm is equal to 7 x 0.393701 = 2.755907 inches. Multiplying 1.968505 inches by 2.755907 inches gives us 5.413655 square inches for an area of 5 x 7 cm.
Ah, I see you've come across the term "INS" on an electrical motor. That stands for insulation class, which tells you about the temperature resistance of the motor's insulation. It's important to understand this to ensure the motor runs safely and efficiently. Just like adding a happy little tree to a painting, knowing about INS helps create a strong foundation for your electrical system.
It stands for getting by the absolute bare minimum that the state you live in allows. You pay less money, you get less protection and the insurance companies profit.