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On a typical inch ruler the smallest lines are 1/16th dimensions. The next biggest are 1/8th", then 1/4", and finally 1/2".

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Q: What do the lines on a inch ruler represent?
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What are the tiny lines in an inch called what are the tiny lines in an inch called?

The "tiny lines" that make up an inch on a ruler are centimeters.

How many lines of text represent one inch?


What do the lines on a inch ruler mean?

They denote different fractions of the inch. A good engineers ruler will have 64 ths, 32 nds 16 ths and 8 ths at least.

What are the little lines on a ruler on inches?

Typically the smallest lines are a sixteenth of an inch apart. Some rulers may show thirty-seconds or sixty-fourths of an inch.

I am looking for a picture of a ruler winth a 32 lines on an inch for a student.?

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What do the lines on a metric ruler represent?

The shorter lines represent one millimeter (mm). The longer lines with numbers next to them represent one centimeter (cm) (10 millmeters) High precision calculation for life or science: keisan dot casio dot com

What do the smallest lines on the metric ruler represent?

something like texture, color, smell, sound and taste

Where is 3 fourths on a ruler located?

In an inch, there are 16 lines. It should be the 12th line. From line 0 to line 12 is 3/4 an inch.

What fractional parts are on a six inch ruler?

inch ruler

How many lines does an inch have in between it on a ruler?

It depends: 8, 10, 16, 32 and, in precision rulers, 64.

How many lines are there in inch and cm of a ruler?

A standard metric ruler is just slightly longer than 30 centimetres and slightly longer than 12 inches.The "slightly longer" is for the extra bits of ruler that stick out in front of the 0 (zero) cm/in at the beginning of the ruler and behind the 30 cm/12 in mark at the end of the ruler

What number of lines in a text represent 1 inch?

10 point type size with standard line spacing: 6 lines equals almost exactly 1 inch tall.