depends how many letters, its 1 byte per letter, although text is compressed using a variety of methods
Right -pointing arrow pointer.
no whoever asked that qeustion you are a very smart person i am not lying.
It depends on the font size and spacing, but generally about 10 to 12 lines of text represent 1 inch.
Ion kno
It's depends on the line spacing. At 6 lines per inch, which is quite common for text-mode computer output, you get exactly 48 lines (with leaving a space for margins!). I believe typewriter output would be similar to this.
LPI - Lines Per Inch - Refers to the number of lines of text a printer will fit in an inch of paper. (the smaller the font size the more lines per inch) DPI - Dots Per Inch - The number of dots a printer can put within an inch of paper (the smaller the print nozzles the more DPI' PPI - Pixels Per Inch - usually relates to the resolution of a monitor.
why is itnecessay to represent a blank space as a separate character in text
A sonnet has fourteen lines. A sonnet is like a poem.
When you double space text, one blank line is left between the lines of text. This means there is one line of blank space between each line of text.
Text lines are closed.
text allignment
Ctrl + 2 will double space lines in text like this... text text text text text text text text text text
A common symbol for a book is an open rectangle with lines representing text inside. This simple depiction is widely recognizable and commonly used to represent reading, literature, and knowledge.
The number of lines in one verse can vary depending on the song or poem. In general, a verse typically consists of 4 to 8 lines of text.