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The spiritual meaning of number Nine bring us to the very height of vibrational frequencies in this number sequence. Nine represents attainment, satisfaction, accomplishment, and our success to achieve an influence in our circumstances. The spiritual meaning of number Nine deals with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things. Nine beseeches us to recognize our own internal attributes, and extend these abilities out into the world to make a positive, influential difference. The spiritual meaning of number eleven is quite diverse. The number 11 is thought of as a "master" number in numerology because it is a double digit of the same number. When this occurs - the vibrational frequency of the Prime number doubles in power. Meaning, the attributes of the Number One are doubled. Therefore, the very basic and primary understanding of the Number One is that of new beginnings and purity. When we see this digit doubled as with the 11 - then these attributes double in strength. In numerology the number 11 represents: * Higher ideals * Invention * Refinement * Congruency * Balance * Fulfillment * Vision The 11 carries a vibrational frequency of balance. It represents male and female equality. It contains bothsun energy and moon energy simultaneously yet holding them both in perspective separate-ness. Perfect balance. Consequently, constant reoccurances of number 11 in our lives often signal us to be aware of our balance:

* Balance emotion, thought and spirit * Balance of masculine and feminine aspects * Balance of work and play Elevens are magical messages asking us if we are centered or off kilter. When we add 1+1 (eleven reduced) we get number two - which is also a balance number - Numeral two also deals with: * Equality * Justice * Calm * Kindness * Tact * Duality Those who recognize the spiritual meaning of number Eleven in their lives are quite sensitive to vibrational frequencies matching these attributes above listed. Elevens appearing on a consistent bases is indicative of a reflective, thoughtful and intuitive soul. This is just one explanation of the meaning of these numbers. Perform a search using any search engine (i.e. Google) using the search terms "meaning of number #" using any number you wish to find the meanings of. The website I used to answer the above questions is Be guided and remember to pay attention.

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