1. Kristallnacht - Night of the Broken Glass 2. Endloesung - Final Solution (of the Jewish question).
Endloesung is short die Endloesung der Judenfrage, which means the final solution of the Jewish question. This is now generally referred to as the Holocaust or Shoah. Please see the related question for further information.
Depends upon what you mean by 'that'.
The term kristallnacht means the night of the broken glass. It was the night Jewish shops and synagogues were attacked by the Nazi's leaving the streets covered in glass.
I think you mean Kristallnacht. Crystal night. A particular night in Nazi Germany where most Jewish owned businesses had their windows smashed.
Kristallnacht - album - was created in 1993.
Implementation of Kristallnacht
Kristallnacht - 1979 was released on: USA: 1979 (Canyon Cinema)
The Nazis had a major problem with the Jews and this is still remembered many years later. The rampage took place in 1938 and it is called the Kristallnacht.
Society does not learn. It was portrayed that Kristallnacht was the fault of the Jews and they were made to pay to clean up afterwards.
they were ordered not to interfere.
Kristallnacht had nothing to do with military strategy. Please see related question.
Hitler ordered Kristallnacht as an excuse to get rid of Jews, or capture Jews that had been individually selected to be arrested.