

What do these numbers mean?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What do these numbers mean?
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What is the mean of a set of numbers?

The mean is the is the total of the numbers and then dividing by how many numbers.

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The mean of eight numbers is 41. The mean of two numbers is 29. What is the mean of the other six numbers?


If the mean was six then whats the numbers?

The "mean" of a group of numbers is their "average". It doesn't tell you what the numbers are, or even how many numbers there are.

Is the geometric mean the same as the mean of two numbers?

No, the geometric mean is not the same as the mean of two numbers.

How do you calculate mean deviation?

Given a set of numbers, and its mean, we can find the difference between each of the numbers and the mean. If we take the mean of these differences, the result is called the mean deviation of the numbers.

What doen mean mean?

mean means the average or all the numbers in the set added together and then divided by the number of numbers in the set of numbers.

How can you find the total of the n numbers in a distribution if you know their mean?

Mean = Total of the numbers / n So total of the numbers = n*mean

Algebra what does the mean equal to?

To take the mean of a set of numbers is just to take the average of the set of numbers. Add all the numbers together and divide this total by the amount of numbers you had. This is the mean.

How do i find mean of a set numbers?

Add up the numbers, and then divide by the number of numbers in the set. This will give you the mean.

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the mean of five numbers is 6 and the mode is 7 what are the numbers

In maths what does mean mean?

The "mean", or "mean average" in full, is obtained by adding up all the numbers and then dividing by the number of numbers there are. It is saying that if the numbers were all the same, this is what they would be.