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i dont know

David b

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Q: What do they mean when they say side-by-side double letters?
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What did the 800 lb monster say to the 400lb monster?

"I will double you" I.W. Just those two letters. Why? "I double u" "I double you"

How do you say assistant in spanish?

Asistente. Notice the lack of double letters - something very common in Spanish.

What does it mean when people type in random letters on chat?

When they don't know what to say

Tell me a nine letter word with a double i in it?

definition has two I letters, but they aren't double! You could say that NeoTeiids works, even though it may not make sense!

How do you say 'what is the day today' in maori?

You would say "Ko te aha te rā i tēnei rā" in Māori for "What is the day today".

What are vocals?

It can mean more than one thing. It can mean your vocal voice, like your sound when you are singing. But it can also mean a certain kind of letters. A, E,I, O,U and Y are vocals. You can now them from their opposite the consonants. That is letters like BCD and so on. They are easy known from the vocals by, that they don't have a sound of their on. Like when you say B you say "be" but when you say A you say a.

What does it mean when you mix up your letters and pronounce some stuff wrong but people say your smart?

you have dislexia

What does qwertyuiopasdfghjkllzxcvbnmm mean?

This series of random letters tends to denote boredom, awkwardness, or lack of something to say on the Internet.

How would you say letter in latin?

If you mean letter, as in letters of the alphabet, the word is littera. If you mean letter, as in a letter transported by the postal service, the word is epistola.

How do you spell cow using 14 letters of the alphabet?

see ow double you

What does the word abrieviate mean?

To abbreviate means to shorten a word or phrase by using only its initial letters or a few key letters, often to make it quicker and easier to write or say.

What does ID mean on action replay?

If you mean by action replay DS, it is the letters and numbers when you just put in a game cart in the action replay and start it up. it will say "unknown game" and below it, it will say the game id.