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Q: What do you call a three dimensional shape sculpture form statue or vessel?
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What do you call a three-dimensional shape?


In art what is a three dimensional shape?

Any sculpture or construction would be a 3-d shape.

What is the definition of 3d drawing?

a 3 dimensional shape, object or thing you draw upon a piece of paper that shows you the perspective and shading used to help make the drawing more realistic.

Is there such thing as a one dimensional shape?

A 1 dimensional shape is a line.

What is a 2 dimensional figure that can be folded into a 3 dimensional object?

The net of a 2 dimensional shape can be folded into a 3 dimensional shape

What is the difference between a two dimensional shape and a solid shape?

the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.

How to calculate area of vessel?

Depends on the shape of the vessel. Different shape, different formula.

What is a 200 shape called?

depends on if it is a 2 dimensional shape or 3 dimensional shape. Please be more specific.

What shape can be created by the given net?

A 3 dimensional shape can normally be created from a 2 dimensional net shape of it.

Does one-dimensional define shape?

yes, the only one-dimensional shape is a line.

What did the author do with a pieace of wet and soft clay what happened?

The author molded the wet and soft clay into a shape, such as a sculpture or vessel. Over time, the clay dried and hardened, preserving the form that was created.

Does an oval have a three dimensional shape?

An oval is two-dimensional. An ovoid is a three-dimensional shape based on an oval - like an egg,