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Numbers such as 1, 2, 3, ... are called Arabic numerals. they are the most commonly used numeral system in the world, but others are still used for other purposes e.g. Roman numerals I, II, .., VIII, .., XXIII, ...

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Q: What do you call the numerals you use?
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Why do we call numbers we use today Hindu-Arabic numerals?

Because that's were they originated from.

Why do you call the numbers you use today Hindu-Arabic numerals?

This is because the numbers we use today come from Hinduism.

What numerals does America use?

The numerals that most Americans use are the Indian numerals or the Arabian numerals

When do you use Roman numerals?

I use roman numerals in math

Why do you call the numbers we use today Hindo-Arabic numerals?

they develope many elem of nour modernd math system

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Roman numerals

Why do people call numbers Hindu-Arabic numerals?

Because that was the region of the world where Hindu-Arabic numerals originated from.

Why do you call them Roman numerals?

i call them roman numrals becaus Romans used them and they were numbers

Why do we call the numbers we use today Arabic numerals?

Because they originated from the Indian subcontinent then across Arabia and then into Western Europe during the Middle Ages thus replacing Roman numerals that was the numeracy system being used at the time.