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Q: What do you call the bar on the roman numerals?
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How do you express 1000000 in Roman numerals?

1,000,000 in Roman numerals is a C with a bar over it.

When a bar is written over a letter the value of the latter is multiplied by?

In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.

What does x with a bar over it mean in roman numerals?

In Roman numerals, an "X" with a bar over it represents 10,000. The bar indicates that the value is being multiplied by a thousand.

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How is 250000 written in Roman numerals?

The number 250,000 can be written in Roman numerals as CCL with a horizontal bar above it or as [CCL]

How is 15000 written in roman numerals?

(XV) or XV but with an horizontal bar above each numeral. Numerals in brackets or with an horizontal bar above them indicate multiplication by a thousand.

What does the BAR in roman numerals mean?

A bar or a line over a particular Roman numeral indicates that it is to be multiplied by a thousand.

What is 89876 in Roman Numerals?

89876 converted into Roman numerals is LXXXVMMMMDCCCLXXVI but with an horizontal bar above each of the first five numerals to indicate multiplication by a thousand.

What are the Roman numerals for one million?

The number 1000000 can be represented in Roman numerals by M with a horizontal bar placed above it or by [M]

What is 49000 in Roman numerals?

The number 49,000 in Roman numerals can be written as either XLIX with a horizontal bar placed above it or as [XLIX]

What is the roman numeral 250000?

In Roman numerals 250000 is CCL but with an horizontal bar over each of the numerals to denote multiplication by a thousand.

What is 65000 in roman numerals?

In Roman numerals 65000 is LXV but with an horizontal bar above each numeral to signify multiplication by a thousand.