Might be able to call it many things, but a simple "hands" might be best.
A set of five fingers is the "hand," and when referring to all ten fingers, you can use the term "digits" (which, while it could apply to the toes as well, seldom does).
"Digits," "extremities," or "phalanges" are all collective words for the fingers.
"Digits," "extremities," or "phalanges" are all collective words for the fingers.
A man who doesn't have all his fingers on one hand is commonly referred to as having a partial hand or missing fingers.
By their name
The fingers on the leg are known as toes.
You call a boy who counts on his fingers prepared; he keeps his math tools handy.
You have ten fingers normally. In your feet you have toes and not fingers. The maximum number of fingers are not decided. In some languages like Marathi, you call toes also as fingers of feet. In Marathi language you call he or she to denote male and female animals.
I suppose one can call the front paws as fingers. In that case they have 10 toes and 10 fingers. However, they have no thumbs.