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The co-domain or range.

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Q: What do you call the set of output values of a function or relation?
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What is output variable?

When you call a function, its parameters may transfer data to the function, back from the function, or both directions. The second sort of them is called as output variable.

Is -7 a function?

Any number can be considered a function - a constant function, to be more precise. That is, the value of the function is the same for all values of "x" or whatever you call your independent variable or variables.

How many values you can return by call by value and call by reference at a time?

A function can only return one value, but it can modify its parameters if their type is 'in out' or 'out'.

Why printf is known as call by value?

C language uses only one method for parameter-passing: call by value.

What does array map do in php?

The array_map function in PHP loops over each elements of the passed array(s), and runs the given function. It then returns a new array that contains the values returned by each call to the given function.

What function in Microsoft Excel 2003 to write the amount in word?

Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.

A function takes in values of variable called inputs and gives back values of the variable called outputs?

No. A function takes in values of no, one, or more input variables, and returns no or one result. It cannot return more than one result. Do not confuse this with returning multiple results using call by reference parameters - this is not the same thing.

What is the difference between driving point function and transfer fuction?

consider a two port network. if u take the ratio of output of one port either current or voltage/ input of other port either voltage or current, if it is same parameter ie. V2/V1 then we call it as transfer function or gain also. V1 is the input port voltage and V2 is the output port voltage. In s domain also we can call it as transfer function, and also not necessary restricted to s-domain only. Suppose if is of different parameter ie. I1/V2 we can call it as reverse transfer admittance function but thing is to note the presence of 'transfer' term. At the same time the ratio of parameter current or voltage of the same port we call it as driving point function. It can be Admittance function ie. I1/V1 or Impedance function ie. V1/I1

Write a program that defines a template function named add This function takes two arguments add two variables and then return the sum?

Write a program that defines a template function named add(). This function takes two arguments, add two variables and then return the sum. In main function, define two variables of type int, two variables of type float and two objects of type 'String'. Now call the add() function three times for these different data types. Note: String is a user-defined data type and for this you have to define a class named 'String'. When template function will be called to add two objects of type String then it must concatenate two strings. Your output should look like this: Sample Output: Enter two integer values to be added Enter First value: 12 Enter Second value: 25 Enter two float values to be added Enter First value: 13.5 Enter Second value: 14.2 Enter two Strings to be added Enter First value: Virtual Enter Second value: University Addition of two variables of different data types Sum of values of type int = 37 Sum of values of type float = 27.7 Sum of values of type String = VirtualUniversity

Can you return multiple values from a function in C?

There are many approaches to this 'problem'. Since a C function is only allowed to return one value as the name of the function you have to provide parameters to the routine if you want multiple values to be returned.For example, traditionally you return a value thus:int Today () ;if (Today() == 2) Today (){/* Some logic */return value ;}So if you want multiple values, send parameters to the routine that can be changed:int Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue) ;Then, call it:int first ;int second ;char third ;if (Today (&first, &second, &third) == 2)In this case first, second, and third can be changed inside the Today routine and return multiple Today (int * val1, int * val2, char * charValue){*val1 = 5 ;*val2 = 10 ;*charValue = 'Y' ;return 2 ;}

How are functions invoked in cpp?

If the function is inline expanded then it is not invoked at all -- there is no function call. However, if the function is not or cannot be inline expanded, a procedure call is invoked. This pushes the calling function's local values onto the stack, followed by the return address, followed by the callee's argument values in reverse order. Control is then passed to the address of the function. The function then pops the arguments off the stack and assigns them to its local parameters (parameters that are passed by value will automatically invoke the copy constructors of those parameters). The function then executes. When a return statement is encountered, the return address is popped from the stack, the return value (if any) is pushed onto the stack, and control is passed to the return address. When a function returns, the return value (if any) and the local values are popped from the stack, and execution continues from where it left off.

What is meant by a function call?

A function call is where you "call" a function and execute its body. For example: void example() { } int main() { example(); // call the function "example" and execute its bodyreturn 0; }