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what do we call a measure that is relatively unaffected by extreme observations

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Q: When specific values if one variable tend to occur in common with specific values of another?
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What are Explanatory variable?

Explanatory (or predictor) variable: A variable which is used in a relationship to explain or to predict changes in the values of another variable; the latter called the dependent variable.

What is the name of independent variable?

The term 'independent variable' is normally used to refer to the variable that you are investigating in an experiment. A common colloquial definition is 'The variable you change' which is helpful, but not always clear. AQA (A UK examination board) defines it in the following way 'The independent variable is the variable for which the values are changed or selected by the investigator' Aims of experiments are often written in the form 'How does X affect Y?' X would be the independent variable and Y the dependent variable.

What is the explanatory variable?

An explanatory variable is one which may be used to explain or predict changes in the values of another variable. There may be several explanatory variables.

The y-axis on the graph below represents the values taken by the?

By the y variable - whatever that may be. It may be a dependent variable or another independent variable.

What is a discontinuous variable?

A discontinuous variable is a variable that has distinct categories. Blood type is a good example. You could be A, B, AB or O. This contrasts with a continuous variable such as height or weight, where there are an almost infinite number of possible values. Data for discontinuous variables is usually represented using a bar graph or pie chart, but never a scatter graph.

What is the difference between dependent and independent varibles?

An independent variable can be any of a given set of values while a dependent variable is represented as a function of another variable.

To evaluate a variable expression you must do what to values for the variable?

You must substitute values for the variable.

What is a variable in C language?

variable which is used to specify the values and also we can that values through the variable name

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is?

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is an Integer.

To evaluate a function for a specific value substitute the value in for what?

You substitute the variable for its value. Or you substitute the variables for each of the values.

What are the values of the idependent variable and the dependent variable?

the independent variable is usually assigned to x the dependent variable is usually assigned to y their values will vary because they are variables. that is the definition of variable

What is an experimental variable?

A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables. The factor you are testing.