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Nothing much. A base of a cuboid has 4 sides and there are no triangular faces.

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Q: What do you notice about the number of sides on the base and the number of triangular faces?
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How many face are on a triangular pyramid?

4 faces. The number of faces on a pyramid is one more than the number of sides of the base. A triangle has 3 sides, therefore a triangular pyramid has 3 +1 = 4 faces.

An object with the same number of triangular faces as it has sides on its base?


What has a base with 4 equal sides triangular faces?

A square pyramid has a base with 4 equal sides and triangular faces.

How many vertices faces and sides does a triangular prism have?

6 vertices, 2 triangular faces, 3 rectangular sides, 9 edges

How many faces does a triangular based have?

If you mean a triangular pyramid then it has four faces, one base and three sides.

How many faces edges and sides does a triangular pyramid have?

Faces = sides = 5. Edges = 8

How much sides of the faces in a triangular prism?


What shape can have a triangular base and triangular faces?

A triangular prism, a triangle base and three triangular faces (a tetrahedron)The figures below do not strictly have a "base" but they are composed entirely of trianglesAn octohedron (eight sides)An isocahedron (20 identical equilateral triangular faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices)Any of a number of deformations of the above

Which faces in a triangular based pyramid have pairs of perpendiculer?

In a triangular based pyramid, the three faces that form the base are perpendicular to the apex of the pyramid, which means they have pairs of perpendicular sides. The other three faces, which are triangular, do not have pairs of perpendicular sides.

How many sides faces and vertex does a triangular prism?

5 faces (sides) 9 edges 6 vertices

How many faces do a triangular pyramind have?

It has four faces. One on bottome and three sides.

How many flat faces does triangular prism have?

It has 5 SIDES