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The word "variable" represents an unknown number.

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Q: What do you use to represent unknown numbers?
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What Expressions that use a letter to represent and unknown quantity?

An algebraic expression uses a letter to represent an unknown quantity.

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In algebra, letters like a, b, x, y, all represent numbers. We use letters like this when we have an unknown number.

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the wat to represent quanites that we cant represent with whole numbers.

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A branch of mathematics that use letters to represent numbers called what?

It is algebra that uses letters to represent numbers and also Roman numerals.

What is done to a variable represent an unknown quanity?

A variable is assigned to represent an unknown quantity.

The branch of mathemematics that nuses letter called variables in places of numerals?

Algebra uses letters to represent unknown numbers.

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How are variable expressions used to represent a quantity?

They are used to represent known and unknown values in equations. Usually x, y, and z are unknown; and a, b, and c are known. But u can use anything to represent anything! It helps to solve for unknowns that you need to figure out!