The letters b and c could represent almost any number. They are used in equations normally because they are unknown, and so that we can figure out their values through solving the problem.
If the two numbers are written as ab and cd then these represent the decimal numbers (10a + b) and (10c + d) and their product is 100*a*c + 10*a*d + 10*b*c + c*d = 100*a*c + 10*(a*d + b*c) + c*d. This is the result that you would get if you used partial products (also called chunking).
And how does this relate to coins?
Any numbers you care to assign to them.
The negation of B is not between A and C is = [(A < B < C) OR (C < B < A)] If A, B and C are numbers, then the above can be simplified to (B - A)*(C - B) > 0
ab x ac = ab - ac
If the two numbers are written as ab and cd then these represent the decimal numbers (10a + b) and (10c + d) and their product is 100*a*c + 10*a*d + 10*b*c + c*d = 100*a*c + 10*(a*d + b*c) + c*d. This is the result that you would get if you used partial products (also called chunking).
And how does this relate to coins?
Any numbers you care to assign to them.
The negation of B is not between A and C is = [(A < B < C) OR (C < B < A)] If A, B and C are numbers, then the above can be simplified to (B - A)*(C - B) > 0
largest of a, b, c :a > b ? a > c ? a : c : b > c ? b : c
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c for any [ordinary] numbers a, b, and c.
The numbers that are subtracted are called subtrahends. (if a - b = c then a is the minuend, b is the subtrahend and c is the result.)
well, i think if you use this you can find out. A = 1-9 ,B = 0-9 , C = 0-9 , D = 0-9 , E = 0-9 for 2digit numbers = A A for 3 digit numbers = A B A for 4 digit numbers = A B B A and so on till you get to for 8 digit numbers = A B C D D C B A for 9 digit numbers = A B C D E D C B A and last for 10 digit number = A B C D E E D C B A this should work...
In mathematical equations letters of the alphabet are used to represent numbers. Letters in the beginning of the alphabet, a, b, c...,etc typically represent Constants. Letters at the end, x, y, z..typically represent Unknowns, or variables.