

What does 200 hundred years ago mean during 1812 - 1815?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It means the same thing but refers to different years

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Q: What does 200 hundred years ago mean during 1812 - 1815?
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1812-1815 That is 3 years in total that the war lasted for Just incase u were wondering about that which u should have been cause if u wern't wondering u woulf have not typed in this question and gotten this responce!!! :D The war lasted from the 18th June 1812 until 18th February 1815, a total of 32months. It was a military conflict between the United States, who declared war on Great Britain and her Empire. The outcome of this was a draw.

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the war of 1812 obviously started 1812 and it ended 1815

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June 18, 1812 - March 23, 1815

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War of 1812 (June 1812 - February 1815)

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Actually, it was from June 18, 1812 to March 23, 1815.

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Napoleon bore the title Emperor from 1804 to 1814. He briefly re-assumed it in 1815 during the "Hundred Days" period.