2 yards plus 8 feet=168 inches
3 yards plus 2 feet=11 feet
24 inches = 2 feet 3 yards = 9 feet 4 feet + 2 feet + 9 feet = 15 feet
It is easier to make it into feet so 32 yards and 2 feet is 98 and 4 yards and 3 feet equals 15. So, 98 plus 15 equals 113. That means it equals 113 feet. That's your answer!
3 yards plus 2 feet=11 feet
2 yards and 2 feet
2 yards equals six feet. (3 feet in every yard. 3 times 2 equals 6)
There are 3 feet in 1 yard so 8 feet equals 2 yards and 2 feet.
6 feet is equivalent to 2 yards.
7 yards and 2 feet equals 23 feet.
36 yards and4 feet
8 yards, 2 feet