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Q: What does a bohr-Rutherford diagram look like for a sodium atom?
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What does an atom of sodium look like?

Sodium looks like a powdery substance that, improves quality

What are the difference in stability between sodium ion and sodium atom?

Sodium atom has 11 electrons...whereas sodium ion has 10 electrons. Sodium ion is more stable because it has a complete octet(noble gas configuration-Neon) which makes it inert like noble gas. Sodium atom tends to lose the extra electron which is in 3-s shell to become stable.

How many must a neutral sodium atom lose in order to have electron configuration like neon?

A neutral sodium must lose one electron in order for the resulting sodium ion to have the same electron configuration as an atom of the element neon.

What is the atomic number of the cation formed in the reaction illustrated in Figure 2.3?

11. The atomic number refers to the number of protons in an atom, including a cation. In this case, the Sodium cation has 11 protons like the Sodium atom.

How are valence electrons imoprtant?

Valence electrons can determine the reactivity of the atom. An atom with a full shell of valence electrons, like neon, will be less reactive than an atom with only one electron in its valence shell, like sodium.

Why is an atom of sodium is neutral?

An atom of sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and (23-11=12)neutrons. A neutron has a charge of 0. Therefore the number of nuetrons do not affect the charge of the atom. A Proton carries the charge of +1. So 11 protons mean that the atom has a charge of +11. An electron has a charge of -1, meaning that the atom would have a negative charge of -11. When you add everything up, 0 + 11 + -11 = 0 + 11 -11 = 0 + 0 = 0 Therefore a sodium atom is neutral.

What is the most abundant atom in the human body?

The most important cations in the human body are sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium ions

In ionic bonding an atom with 1 valence e- like sodium will to form an ionic bond?

lose 1e

What atom will behave like Na?

All of the elements in group 1 on the periodic table will behave similarly to sodium.

What forces of attraction are present between Na and Cl in sodium chloride?

The Na atom and the Cl atom of the molecule NaCl form what is known as an ionic bond. Basically the Sodium atom (Na) has a positive charge, while the chlorine atom (Cl) has a negative charge. Just like with magnets, the positive and the negative charge attract to each other.

What kind of ions do a sodium atom and a chlorine atom become when a valance electron is transferred one to the other?

First off sodium. Sodium is an alkali metal and when alkali metals react they lose an electron. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged. Chlorine is in the halogen family and when they react they gain one electron, when an atom gains an electron, it becomes negative charged. So, Sodium=Positive Chlorine=Negative I got this as an homework question yesterday, took like 5mins but i finally figured it out :)

Can an element convert to a compound?

Not by itself. Another element has to be around to chemically join with it to turn it into a compound. An atom of an element can join with another atom like itself to form a diatomic molecule, and a number of elements do this. Oxygen is called O2 because an oxygen atom always travels around with a buddy. When we form the "simplest" compounds, it takes an atom of one thing and an atom of another thing. Table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), and it's a compound with an atom of sodium and an atom of chlorine bonded together.