it means to suck somones dik so dont ever do that it is very rude!
I think you would mean diameter. From one side of the circle to the point directly opposite of it.
You draw a circle around a circle.
What does a circle with a k in it on food mean
A circle is by definition 2-dimensional (flat). If you mean a circle that is wider in one direction than the other, than you are thinking of an ellipse.
What does a circle with a k in it on food mean
Nothing particular. One of the properties of regular polygons - however many sides - is that it can have a circle inscribed in it.
What does 14 K and H with a circle in it mean
One circle 3 fingers means that hes throwin up a B gang sign for the bloods.
around means going in a circle and one way to memorize the definition for around is if you take off the a it spells round and round as in a circle and the definition is to go around in a circle.
what does the symbol mean it looks like a circle with a star in the middle mean
180 degrees, if you mean a half circle
the E possibly stands for equality.