

What does adding value mean?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Your adding more stuff to make it worth whatever it is or to just make it valuable

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Q: What does adding value mean?
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When adding and subtracting a constant amount means that that amount will increase. The amount will increase dew to adding each number.

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they are all three types of averages: the mean is worked out by adding up all of the results and dividing it by the amount of results added up the median value is just the middle value of the results the mode value is the value that occurs most in the results

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The adding and subtracting a constant amount means the value will go up. The amount will go up due to the amount been added to each number.

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It will increase the mean without affecting the median.

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Adding and subtracting is what increases the amount when adding each number. This is taught in high school math.

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What is the value of a Victor Adding Machine, Model 7 57 54, Serial # 3425-389

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the mean is the average of the numbers. It is one of several different ways of determining the average of a set of values. It is determined by adding the sum of all of the values, then dividing by the number of values.