

What does apella mean?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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17y ago

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Apella was the official title of the popular assembly in the Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta, corresponding to the ecclesia in most other Greek states

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What is an apella?

An apella is the popular deliberative assembly in the Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta.

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Giuseppe Morabito has written: 'Aetates duae' 'Apella ad Flaccum'

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Sparta's government was different than other Greek governments. They had two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member council of elders limited the powers of the kings. These men were recruited from the aristocratic Spartiates.

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Sparta had a government that consisted of two kings (one from the Agrid family and one from the Eurypontid family), five Ephors (supreme magistrates), the Gerousia (council of elders) and the Apella (the assembly of equals - all Spartan men over the age of 30). The kings and the Ephors made all the most important decisions about the state and battle and education and the Gerouisa had a big input in law but even if they all make a unanimous decision it can still be overruled by the whole Apella. In that sense it is an almost democratic government except that woman or slaves cannot have a say.The Spartan government was a fusion of monarchy, oligarchy and demoracy.The government of Sparta consisted of the two kings, the Gerousia, the Ephors and the Ecclesia/Apella:Gerousia - It consisted of the two kings plus 28 elders. They prepared and presented proposals for the vote of the assembly. They were elected.Ephor - There were 5 ephors. They advised and checked the kings, controlled the Krypteia, watched for divine signs about the kings rule, supervised the life of the people and called the assembly.Ecclesia - The assembly consisting of Spartiate men over the age of 30. They voted on the Gerousia's proposals.Oligarchy

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