

What does find the product in dollars and cents mean?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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It means find the answer to the multiplication problem in money form.

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Q: What does find the product in dollars and cents mean?
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Assuming you mean cents, there are 100 cents in one dollar. Therefore, 1729.51 dollars is equal to 1729.51 x 100 = 172951 cents.

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There are 100 cents in a dollar. So 150 cents mean 1 dollar 50 cents (or $1.5)

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It depends. Is that in dollars? I mean $9.8716 if so, then $9.87 Is that already in cents? I mean is it 9.8716 cents? If so, then the answer is 10 cents.

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Assuming you mean $500.00, there are one hundred cents in one dollar, so there are 50,000 cents in 500 dollars.

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Assuming that you mean "How many cents are in one million dollars?", the answer is one hundred million (or 100,000,000).If you mean "How many cents are in one million cents?", the answer is obviously one million (or 1,000,000).

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Assuming that by "pennies" you mean cents, the answer is 6000.

How much money is 20 percent of 65?

13. If you mean 65 dollars, it is .2 x 65, resulting in 13.0 If it is 65 cents, it is .65 x .2, resulting in a product of .130

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Assuming you mean cents of the same kind of dollars, divide the pennies by 100 to get the equivalent in dollars.

63.75 plus 1.48 plus 59 cents plus 5?

5? 5 what dollars or cents? I will assume you mean 5 cents. therefore 63.75+1.48+0.59+0.05=65.87 if you mean 5 = 5 dollars then 63.75+1.48+0.59+5.00=70.82