P0304 : cylinder number 4 misfire.
Cylinder number three misfire.Cylinder number three misfire.
2006 Pontiac grand prix recurring number 4 cylinder misfire diagnostic code? What could it be?
Cylinder #4 misfire
It is probably the coil on cylinder number 4. The easiest way to troubleshoot it is to swap the coils between 3 and 4 and see if the misfire then shows up on three.
Cylinder #4 misfireCylinder #4 misfire
misfire cylinder #3. A 300 code is a misfire code and the last number relates to the cylinder that is misfiring.
That is a cylinder number eight misfire.
misfire cylinder number 6
Cylinder number 3 misfire.
Cylinder number two misfire.
It means that more than one cylinder has a misfire history. PO301 would be cylinder number 1 misfire. PO302 would be number 3 cylinder misfire.