

What does position time graph mean in science?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What does position time graph mean in science?
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What is position - time graph?

A position-time graph, is one in which position is plotted on the y-axis and the time is on the x-axis. A position-time graph is similar to a distance-time graph, but direction of motion in the y-axis.

What does run on a position-time graph mean?

The period of time from one point on the graph (ex. A) to another point on a graph (ex. B) that on the x axis.

What is velocitys position time graph?

The velocity position time graph is rightward. This can change at anytime.

Is The slope on a position-time graph is representative of the acceleration of the object?

No. Slope of position/time graph is speed, or magnitude of velocity.Slope of speed/time graph is magnitude of acceleration.

What does a positive slope mean in a position versus time graph?

Assuming position is on the y axis and time is on the x axis, a positive slope means the position has increased over time.

What is the area of a position time graph?

The area of a position-time graph does not have a meaning. However, the area under a velocity-time graph is the displacement. Refer to the related link below for an illustration.

What is a position time graph?


How do you generate a position-time graph from a velocity time graph?

A girl walks along a straight path to drop a letter in the letterbox and comes back to his initial position. Her displacement-time graph. Plot a velocity-time graph for the same

How to convert a velocity time graph into a position time graph?

The position at time t (and therefore the height of the p-t graph) will be the area under the v-t curve between time 0 and t.

What does displacement divided by time give you?

The Average Velocity on a position time graph or a velocity time graph.

What does a curved line pointing downward on a position versus time graph indicate?

That means the speed (the slope of the position-time graph) is decreasing.

Is it possible to actually move your body (or an object) to make the verticle lines on a position-time graph?

No. A vertical line on a position-time graph would mean that an object moved a given distance in zero time, in other word that it traveled infinitely fast.