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More than 180 degrees. How much more depends on how much of the sphere is covered.

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Q: What does the angles of a triangle add up to on sphere and what insrument is used to measure them?
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How can you draw a triangle with two obtuse angles?

You can draw a triangle with two obtuse angles in a sphere

Is it possible to draw a triangle with three right angles on a sphere?

It is impossible to have a triangle with 3 right angles. It is possible to draw a triangle with three right angles on the surface of a sphere:

How many right angles can a triangle have on a sphere?

462 * * * * * It can have three.

In which country does a triangle have three right angles?

In the country of the Fourth Dimension! In our world a triangle can have three right angles on a sphere: consider the triangle formed by the Equator, Longitude 0o and Longitude 90o.

Does an equilateral triangle has angles?

All triangles have 3 internal angles. If drawn on a flat plane (that is redundant, but you could imagine a triangle on a sphere or some other shape) the internal angles will add to 180 degrees. In an equilateral triangle all three internal angles are equal.

Can the angles of a triangle add up to more then 180?

If the triangle is on a sphere, then yes. If it's on a flat plane, like a piece of paper, then no.

Could triangles have right angles?

Yes, although a triangle (in normal geometry) can only have one right angle, no more. It is possible for a triangle to have all three right angles in spherical geometry (if you were to draw the triangle on a sphere).

What geometric shapes do not have right angles or angles larger than a right angle?

Circle, cone, cylinder, sphere and equilateral triangle for example.

What shape has three sides and all right angles?

A Triangle drawn accross a sphere; NOT on a plane surface.

Would Equilateral triangle can be a right triangle?

What you are asking, and I suspect you don't realise, is "can a triangle's angles add to 270o?" which of course it can not do on a two dimensional surface, It is possible on eg a sphere, think of the angles between 0o and 90o of longitude at the Equator and the Pole...

Can a triangle have two right angles yes or no?

No. A triangle's angles must add up to 180 degrees so it cannot have two right angles. However, the answer is yes if you are talking about a triangle on the surface of a sphere. In this case the geometry is non-Euclidean. If you are staying with standard Euclidean geometry, then the answer no above is correct.

How many solid degrees are there in a sphere?

Spheres are measured with solid angles (which are like two dimensional angles). These angles can be measure with square degrees or steradians. A sphere measures 129300/π square degrees (or about 41,253 square degrees). A sphere measures 4π steradians (or about 12.566 steradians.)